It’s official. The worst part about preparing to study abroad is not leaving my friends at Georgetown. It’s not even leaving my loved ones at home. It isn’t even my apprehensions about what I am going to do with my hair for the next six months without my beloved hairstylist by my side. I probably would have answered with one of those options if you had asked me about a month ago. The worst part about this whole endeavor is the packing. I mean how exactly does one ensure that she has the proper clothing for any situation that could arise over such a long period of time? Sure, I am a self-proclaimed fashionista and over-packing is a definite specialty of mine (a girl needs to have options), but one cannot deny the fact that a six-month adventure requires a bit more than a clean pair of panties and a toothbrush.
Aside from my real best friend, my wardrobe is my best friend. It hits me with a reality check when I’ve indulged in one too many burgers from Five Guys or Wisey’s cookies and in return I always wash each piece according to its care label. I take care of them, and they take care of me. Granted, my closet is an ever-evolving work-in-progress, it has taken me a long time to compose something that represents me so well. It is highly upsetting for me to leave even a single item behind, let alone almost everything I own!
Just like I do before every trip that I take, I sat down and made of list of all of the things that I knew I was going to need. I will be honest, a few of my wants made it on the list, but I was pretty certain that my sense of practicality had won this battle. That is until I weighed my suitcase…56 pounds. I couldn’t believe it. I thought I had done so well. I hadn’t even expanded my suitcase, and there was still plenty of room. I simply could not understand how my bag could be six pounds overweight. I began moving what I could to my carry-on and removing any article of clothing that I felt I could even bare to live without, which probably wasn’t a lot even though it felt like I was taking out truckloads. I scoffed when a friend suggested that I remove some of my hair products. I had to go without the help of a professional in areas without a large black population, so going without these specific items was NOT an option. It was then that I realized maybe the problem wasn’t me. Maybe the problem was the suitcase?! I hadn’t even thought to weigh it beforehand.
I spent my last night at home trying to figure out how I could lighten my suitcase without losing any of my necessities—which by the end of the night included everything I hadn’t already taken out of my suitcase—and yet my suitcase was still 52 pounds. Ultimately, I gave myself snaps for trying to fit my life into one suitcase and attributed those two extra pounds to the weight of my suitcase itself. In my world, it is completely possible that my suitcase, while sturdy and effortlessly chic, could just be on the heavy side all by itself. I will just say prayer that the individual at the airline counter won’t notice…or will merely take pity on my sad, fashionable soul.
Moral of the story: A girl like me should never try to take international trips with only one suitcase, but if the situation calls for such drastic measures, she should find the lightest suitcase possible!
6 Comments to "The Sacrifices of a Fashionista on the Go"
I’m so glad you made it out of the airport with your overweight bag. I’m left wondering how you will get your three bags full of things back in 6 months when you come home. Hmmm.
I am growing very skilled at the art of making it to my destination while packing not-so-light.
I really enjoyed reading your first blog! You my friend are a fascinating person and writer! Being one hundred percent fabulous isn’t easy but it is so necessary! LOL
Have an amazing trip. I look forward to reading about your next adventure!
Hi Ivana,
These have been the most interesting and fascinating articles blogs) I’ve read in a long time.
You, my lady, have become quite a lady.
You Put all my thoughts into words! Even on a weekend trip I am totally baffled when it comes to packing.