Jaffa Cakes on Jaffa Cakes on Jaffa Cakes

So, I’ve decided that I should write a bit about highlighting the finer things I encounter in London– the victories, the accomplishments, the triumphs.  This item below most certainly counts:

2013-01-10 11.10.30

There, sandwiched between the popcorn and the Quality Street, deep within the bargin aisle of the Tesco (the a major supermarket chain here in London), lies the unimaginable, the unbelievable, the near-mythical– the Yard of Jaffa.

Dare I purchase such a talisman?  Dare I not?

(Spoiler alert– I absolutely did buy it).

But let’s back up for a second.  What are these things, these so-called Jaffa Cakes?  Why should you care?

Because they’re delicious, basically.  Wikipedia writes that Jaffa Cakes “have three layers: a sponge cake, a layer of orange jelly, and a coating of chocolate.”  Basically, you get a cookie that’s kinda orange, kinda chocolate– not overpowering, but subtle, refined, and fantastic (and perfect for dipping into some nice tea).  Up until now, I’ve only found them  in little containers of ten– not, y’know, a YARD.

I justified my purchase by explaining to myself that actually, given that the whole thing was only two pounds, it was actually remarkably cost-efficient.  And besides, I got to walk back to my flat with a YARD of Jaffa Cakes…like a boss.  It’s the small things in life, you know?

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