Soccer, known around the globe as “football,” is one of the most important social and sporting events in Barcelona; as it is home to one of the most successful football clubs in the world, Futbol Club Barcelona (FC Barcelona), the sporting event has been a way for the city of Barcelona to generate profit and foster strong national sentiment. The home stadium for FC Barcelona attracts thousands of tourists yearlong and has been turned into a beautiful football museum.
I got to visit the museum, and the only thing I can say is “wow.” I loved everything about the environment and the aesthetic of the museum. I had never heard of a sports museum until the FC Barcelona visit. I’m not a really big soccer fan, but the visit really put in perspective for me the sensation soccer fans get from going to big soccer stadiums; it’s like a social high because one gets to thrive off the energy of all the other cheering fans around them.
The stadium is called “Camp Nou,” meaning new field in Catalan was completed in 1957. The field holds a very special place in the hearts of the Spanish people because it is a symbol of social unity and recognition around the world; It the capacity to hold almost 100,000 people, and it has been a world destination for events such as the European Cup and Summer 1992 Olympic Games.

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Since the Olympic Games and all the other world events, the city of Barcelona has gained attraction with tourist; this lead to the opportunity of turning part of Camp Nou into a museum. To be honest, I am not one who is a big fan of museums because I sometimes find them dry, but being in Barcelona and attending a ton of different museums ranging from art to chocolate museums, I have begun to love museums. The football museum reveals an interesting of FC Barcelona and having trophies, cleats , and even virtual game depictions are among some of things that I believe make the museum unforgettable.
Seeing the huge sentiment around soccer in Spain and Europe, in a broader context, reminded of how big Football and Basketball are in the U.S. It was refreshing to see how passion for sporting events have strong manifestations in social activities for both cultures.