First Impressions!
My First Two Weeks in Buenos Aires!
Argentina has been by far one of the most different countries in Latin America that I have EVER visited. It is different in every way, shape, and form imaginable. From the moment I stepped foot off of the airplane I could tell that I had stepped onto city with a euphoric mix of all that is European and all that maintains indigenous to Latin America. In one day I understood why Buenos Aires is coined the “Paris of South America”, but in my firs two weeks I realized Buenos Aires is much more than that. It is a whole other city in itself!
In Argentina I found myself truly seeing a little bit of every part of the world sheltered in one city! In the heart of Buenos Aires I toured the world renowned OBELISK! If it looks familiar it might be because it looks a lot like the Washington Monument in D.C.! The Obelisk is located in the center of the intersection of Avenida Corrientes and 9 de Julio in the Plaza de la República. It is located on the widest avenues in Buenos Aires, and even though the street view is breathtaking, the aerial views of the obelisk and the avenue captures the beauty most eloquently. Also, as you see above the Plaza now has the Olympic Rings because Buenos Aires is to host the Jr. Olympic games starting October 6th!
In my next tourist stop in Buenos Aires, was the Puerto Madero! Puerto Madero is sits on the Rio de la Plata riverbank but it is so much more than a port for exports and imports. In fact, the Puerto is one of the most elegant places to walk to see the city’s unique architecture where the traditional styles mix with modern trends. On the weekends you will find many people walking along the Puerto and I was even lucky enough to see street performers of all types! However, the beauty of this place did come with a bit of a strong, chilly wind. That’s another thing I have had to remember…its cold here right now. We are transitioning from winter to spring season and although the sun may shine beautifully and bright here I am always snuggling up!
Oh, and let me now forget the beautiful Plaza de Mayo and the historical Casa Rosada! I learned about the Casa Rosada by learning about Evita Peron and watching the Evita movie. The history of Argentina is truly incredible when you really study it but being able to see an actual piece of the history of Argentina in real life is truly mesmerizing. I never though that I would be standing here but here I am turning 20 in Argentina in the Casa Rosada. Breath-taking to be able to say that! And what’s even crazier is that the Casa Rosada reminds me so much of the White House in D.C., and on this day,Septemeber 13, (the day I turned 20), I finally felt a little less like a tourist and a little bit more at home because the Casa Rosada took me back to D.C.
Finding my way through Buenos Aires in these past two weeks has oddly enough allowed me to find my own little home.
¡Hasta la Proxima, Chicxs!