Up, up, and away!

Hola amigos y amigas!

The time has come for me to really take one last breath in the U.S. before I head off to my semester abroad in Argentina! As I sit here in the main gate of my flight to Argentina, I can’t help but look back at the crazy process I went through to get to this exact spot in time where I am getting ready to fly off to Buenos Aires!

I truly cannot believe that I have truly finished all the logistics of studying abroad and am actually getting to go abroad. Passports, visas, and vaccinations were a head ache to figure out but after some time and consistent communication with my study abroad advisor I got it all completed. A quick pro-tip is to always keep in close communication with your study abroad advisor as they are the people who will know most or are best equipped to help you find the answers to your most pressing questions, and no question is a dumb question when studying abroad. Literally, the whole experience of studying abroad is to ask questions, discover, and explore the unknown! Needless to say I have had so many questions thus far and will continue to have so any more. However, I do not fear the unknown or new experiences that I am about to have abroad.

In fact, leaving home at the start of my junior year has really made me excited for this new chapter in my life. The way I see it, going abroad the fall fo my junior year is the best opportunity for me to really think outside the box and truly step outside the Georgetown bubble as I begin to think about post-university life. I see Buenos Aires as a blank slate in which I get to create my own adventure and journey as I begin to sort out the person I want to become after graduating. I truly hope Buenos Aires, Argentina gives me a breath of fresh air and pushes my comfort zone so that I can grow and learn so much more about myself. I have high hopes for Argentina!

Bienvenidos a mi aventura en Argentina!

Stay tuned for continuous updates on my experiences, challenges, and growth in Argentina!

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