I’ve attracted a stalker. He has a history of following girls late at night, a voracious appetite, and is about 10 inches tall.
My dorm has a cafeteria in it, and after lunch, an adorable gray and white cat usually lingers by the exit for scraps of food. My friend Vanessa and I got into the habit of feeding him a few crumbs of bread after our lunch. I suppose Miaomiao got used to seeing me so much that he recognized me, because late one Friday night when I was opening the door to get inside the dorm, he jumped inside behind me and sprinted up the stairs. Panicking, I raced behind the cat, and tried to pick him up and take him back outside.
However, he proved a hard cat to catch– he kept loudly yelping and running up and down the halls. He was so noisy that I was afraid that people would start waking up and coming out of their rooms. I didn’t want anyone to think he was my cat and call the administration. Eventually, I cornered him into a kitchen on the second floor, called Vanessa, and she and I both strategized how to get him out of the dorm. We ended up leading Miaomiao to my room and coaxed him out of the building with a bit of bread from my cupboard.
However, Miaomiao somehow keeps breaking into the dorm. I have a sinking suspicion that he waits for unsuspecting girls to open the door, and then he launches himself inside. In any case, whenever he manages to sneak inside, he stations himself outside my room and loudly meows until I open my door give him something to eat. After I feed him, he usually lets me lead him back outside. But Miaomiao hasn’t come by for three days now though, so I think that a member of the administration probably caught on and took him back to his owner. Pity, I kind of miss the pesky little thing.
1 Comment to "Miaomiao"
The cat is adorable! I hope he comes back. He’s gorgeous!