I made weekend trip to Georgetown during New Student Orientation and was suddenly confronted with an interesting thought. I wasn’t wearing a fluorescent t-shirt or a fanny pack during my time and this signaled to the brightly colored, retro-themed greeters that I must be a new student: WELCOME. Oh God, I thought while passing the cheering greeters, is this how it’s going to be when I arrive at Oxford for Freshers’ Week?
Don’t get me wrong, I liked my time as a freshman, but I don’t exactly miss the nametag lanyards or having to use a map at every turn. There’s something gratifying about having the Fight Song memorized or directing prospective (and their parents) to White Gravenor. It’s easier just to call the same group of good friends for dinner at Leo’s rather than check the common room for takers. Maybe I’m a snob, but I prefer the cool assurance of experience over giddy excitement of novelty.
Then again, I can’t think of many times when students just left their doors open hoping that people would walk in to introduce themselves. Or when school would devote an entire week to help students acclimate and socialize. People are actually excited to meet other people.
So this is my pre-departure blog. I feel like a freshman and expect to be treated like a freshman upon arrival at St. Peter’s. And I’m okay with that. I’m arriving late so I will most likely bypass the over-cheerful greeters and the small talk won’t be as bad because everyone will have an accent. But, more importantly, I’m ready to learn a new fight song, get acquainted with a new common room, and get a little excited.