Blogging instead of packing… Argentina, here I come!

On the morning of my overnight flight to Buenos Aires, this will be as good as any opportunity to reflect on my motivation and preparation for my study abroad trip thus far…

My mom and I drove home from D.C. for the summer on May 15th, and to be perfectly honest, I’ve done nothing but catch up on reality TV and reconnect with friends from high school for the past month. It has been a little bizarre to talk to people about this trip, especially since it hasn’t felt real until now. I’m packed (well, almost) and there’s about 24 hours separating me from South American soil. Starting tomorrow, the next 6 weeks will be all-Spanish-all-the-time with a side of World Cup-stravaganza, and I’m not sure if I am ready for that.

Hockey season just ended last Wednesday. My amazing, beloved Blackhawks clinched the Stanley Cup for the first time in 49 years, and we’re all still celebrating here. I could write a blog about how much I love hockey, but I think neither you nor Georgetown would really appreciate that, so I’ll be short and sweet. I’m just happy I could enjoy this experience home in Chicago as I prepare for my trip to Argentina, because it got the ball rolling on a summer that is sure to be full of more amazing experiences.

Okay, right. You’re here to learn about my trip. For starters, if you are a traveler like me (totally unrealistic about suitcase proportionality and weight) 6 weeks in a cold-weather climate with side trips ranging from an estancia (like a farm/ranch) to a waterfall is a nightmare to pack for.  After laying out pile after pile of clothes on my bed next to my ever-shrinking suitcase, it dawned on me that I might have to do some epic soul-searching regarding how many pairs of boots are actually appropriate and the likelihood of needing the same sweater in 5 colors. The answers are two and extremely likely*, respectively.

While in Buenos Aires, I am going to be living with a host family and taking 2 classes at a university building in the city. Georgetown has planned two weekend trips for us: one to Mendoza, and one to Salta. I am more excited than nervous (but I am sure that will kick in at some point during the 9 hour flight down) and I can’t wait to fulfill a “bucket list” goal of seeing the waterfalls at Iguazu (google it, it’s so beautiful!) Am I going to get yellow fever in Iguazu as a result of gross vaccination negligence? Probably. Am I ever going to finish packing so that I am actually ready to go to the airport on time? Definitely not.

See you in Argentina!

* Personal testimonial for SPACE Bags ( ) in 3…2…1… What a spectacular product which I highly recommend for people whose clothes tend toward the extra fluffy and (let’s face it) excessive. I do have to warn you that clicking on the link brings you to their homepage, where you are greeted by a terrifying video advertisement and the litany of “Too much stuff, not enough space” which is exactly what I was thinking as I sobbed over my bursting suitcase that only contained half of my clothes. The vacuum bags saved me a lot of space, but be warned that overweight is overweight, and being able to stuff more things into a heavy suitcase could cost you at the airport scale! I am at 45 lbs right now, and Delta’s regulations indicated a 50 lb limit per checked bag.

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